vinyl goes around - P-VINE Inc,


Legendary, ultra-talented UK guitar rock group
Original T-Shirts
Limited quantities!
Now On Sale


ORANG-UTAN has been winning the hearts of fans with its bluesy, acidic hard rock reminiscent of LED ZEPPELIN and LEAF HOUND.
The sound, which is a mixture of heavy guitar riffs, intertwining twin leads, and high-pitched shouts, is still vivid even today, half a century after its release, but the band broke up after only one album.
Although the band was from the U.K., their album debut was only released in the U.S., and due to complicated circumstances, it was never distributed, leaving their name in rock history as an underground legend among those in the know.
VGA is selling a limited edition T-shirt with a motif of the record jacket. The front of the T-shirt features an illustration of a giant orangutan attacking a building, and the back of the jacket, which is now nothing but a banana peel, is printed on the back.
Quantities are limited, so be sure to get yours early.

ORANG-UTANはLED ZEPPELINやLEAF HOUNDを彷彿とさせるブルージーでアシッドなハード・ロックで、マニアのハートを鷲掴みにしてきた。ヘヴィなギター・リフと絡み合うツイン・リード、コブシの効いた高音シャウトが交錯するサウンドはリリースから半世紀を経た今日でも鮮烈だが、バンドは本作1枚のみで解散。イギリス出身でありながらアメリカのみでアルバム・デビューという複雑な事情も関係して流通がままならず、知る人ぞ知るアンダーグラウンド・レジェンドとしてロック史にその名を刻んできた。


*Please note that these products are a limited editions and will end of sales as it runs out.

*The manufacturer of the T-shirt is GILDAN 2000 Ultra Cotton 6.0 oz Short Sleeve T-Shirt.
※Tシャツのボディはギルダン 2000 6.0オンス ウルトラコットン Tシャツになります。

Exclusive Item

* Purchases from outside Japan are tax exempt
* Cancellation is not possible after booking
* The shipping date is scheduled for mid-August.
* Payment can be made by paypal, credit card, or cash on delivery (only in Japan).
* Paypal will be settled at the time of ordering
* Credits will be settled at the time of shipment


Our concept

P-VINE starts a new project "VINYL GOES AROUND".

We will keep contributing to increasing the value of vinyl records around the world. First of all, we will start buying/selling used records, we will also develop exclusive products and sell rare items available only from us. Then here will be a place where people will gradually gather, a small community be formed, develops into a place where collectors from all over the world can connect each other, finally, our goal, there will be a marketplace where vinyl records are easy to obtain. Wish vinyl records will be reach people all around the world. ~Vinyl Goes Around~


私たちは世界中のヴァイナル・レコードの価値を高めることに貢献していきます。 まずは、中古レコードの買取りと販売をスタートさせると同時にエクスクルーシヴ商品の開発をし、ここでしか買えないレアなアイテムを販売していきます。そして徐々にここに人が集まり、将来的には小さなコミュニティーが生まれ、世界中のコレクター同士が繋がる場へと発展し、レコードを手に入れやすいマーケットプレイスが形成されることを目指します。
たくさんのレコードが世界中の皆様に届くように~Vinyl Goes Around~

vga process