vinyl goes around - P-VINE Inc,


A Message From The Tribe

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Tribe Records was founded in Detroit in 1972 by Wendell Harrison and Phil Ranelin to send a message through music, media, events, and various other activities to eliminate discrimination against Black Americans and to improve life and society. Without the help of existing record companies, Tribe Records operates as a self-produced label that allows artists to control the creation and management of their own music. This allowed him to maintain his freedom of expression, and he released a series of songs with a funkiness sound based on sophisticated jazz and a strong message of conviction. These had a great influence on the contemporary music scene, including later hip-hop and Detroit techno.

Wendell HarrisonとPhil Ranelinによって1972年のデトロイトで発足したTribe Records。 ブラック・アメリカンズへの差別を無くし、生活や社会がより良くなるよう、音楽やメディア、イベントなど様々な営みを通してメッセージを発信した。既存のレコード会社の力を借りずに、アーティストが音楽の創作と管理を自らコントロールできるよう自主制作という形で運営。それにより自由な表現方法を保持し、洗練されたジャズをベースにしたファンクネスなサウンドと信念の強いメッセージを持った曲を次々に発表。これらはのちのヒップホップやデトロイト・テクノなど現代の音楽シーンに大きな影響を及ぼした。

Poster featuring the cover of TRIBE Magazine (515×728mm) .

"Message From The Tribe" 1st Press record sleeve

"A Message From The Tribe" 3rd Press back side of the record sleeve

Official coach jacket with "Message From The Tribe" logo on the back. The body is made by INDEPENDENT, which is known for its water proof and secure sewing. The logo of VGA is applied on the front and the slogan of Tribe, "A NEW DIMENSION IN CULTURAL AWARENESS" is written on the hem of the back.
The hoodie uses the illustration on the back of the jacket of the 3rd version of "A Message From The Tribe". The body is made by AS Colour, which is known for its fabric's thickness and softness.

And as an exclusive bonus, all purchasers will receive a poster featuring the cover of TRIBE Magazine (515×728mm) . On the back side, an excerpt of the actual article will be published. This is also a VGA exclusive reprint item.

*Posters will be folded for shipping.

Message From The Tribeのロゴを背中に使用したオフィシャル・コーチジャケット。ボディはウォータープルーフでしっかりとした作りが定評のあるINDEPENDENT製。フロントにはVGAのロゴを施し、背面の裾にはTribeのスローガン、A NEW DIMENSION IN CULTURAL AWARENESSを表記。
パーカーはA Message From The Tribe の3rdバージョンのジャケットの裏面に記載されているイラストを使用。ボディは厚みのある生地と柔らかな着心地が特徴のAS Colour製。



Wendell Harrison & Phil Ranelin
What We Need / The Wok 7inch

"What We Need" is the first song on the second and subsequent albums, A Message From Tribe, and is a signature Tribe song with a strong message. It is a groovy jazz-funk song with cool electric piano and a solid horn section, spinning a strong message of sublimating the concept of black power, seeking unity, and questioning what is needed now for freedom and independence.
For the coupling track, "The Wok" from Wendell Harrison's album "Organic Dream" released from Wenha is picked up. The sound is oriental, exhilarating and mellow, but the underpinnings are earthy rhythms inherited from Tribe, making it distinctly different from the so-called general fusion sound.
Like the Tribe logo, which has two faces with arrows between them, this album offers a contrast between the black spiritual side of the 70s and the shadows and light of the transition to mellow dancers.

「What We Need」は2nd ヴァージョン以降のアルバム、A Message From Tribeの冒頭曲であり、メッセージ性の強さを象徴するTribeの代表曲。ブラック・パワーの概念を昇華し、団結を求め、自由と自立のために今、何が必要かを問いかけた強いメッセージが妖艶なヴォーカルで紡がれていく、クールなエレクトリック・ピアノと切れの良いホーン・セクションがグルーヴィーなジャズファンク。
カップリング曲にはWenhaからリリースされたウェンデル・ハリソンのアルバム、「Organic Dream」から「The Wok」をピックアップ。オリエンタルかつ爽快でメロウなサウンドだが、その下地はTribeを受け継いだ骨太なリズムで、いわゆる一般的なフュージョン・サウンドとは一線を画している。

    • S
    • M
    • L
    • XL
    • 2XL
    • 3XL
    • Body Width
    • 53
    • 56
    • 58.5
    • 62
    • 66
    • 70
    • Body Length
    • 73.5
    • 76
    • 79
    • 81
    • 84
    • 86.5
    • HOODIE (cm)
    • S
    • M
    • L
    • XL
    • 2XL
    • 3XL
    • Body Width
    • 52
    • 55
    • 58
    • 61
    • 64
    • 67
    • Body Length
    • 71
    • 74
    • 77
    • 79.5
    • 82
    • 84.5

*Please note that these products are a limited editions and will end of sales as it runs out.

*The products will be shipped in mid February 2022.
※商品の発送は 2022年2月中旬ごろを予定しています。

Exclusive Item

* Purchases from outside Japan are tax exempt
* Cancellation is not possible after booking
* The shipping date is scheduled for mid-August.
* Payment can be made by paypal, credit card, or cash on delivery (only in Japan).
* Paypal will be settled at the time of ordering
* Credits will be settled at the time of shipment


Our concept

P-VINE starts a new project "VINYL GOES AROUND".

We will keep contributing to increasing the value of vinyl records around the world. First of all, we will start buying/selling used records, we will also develop exclusive products and sell rare items available only from us. Then here will be a place where people will gradually gather, a small community be formed, develops into a place where collectors from all over the world can connect each other, finally, our goal, there will be a marketplace where vinyl records are easy to obtain. Wish vinyl records will be reach people all around the world. ~Vinyl Goes Around~


私たちは世界中のヴァイナル・レコードの価値を高めることに貢献していきます。 まずは、中古レコードの買取りと販売をスタートさせると同時にエクスクルーシヴ商品の開発をし、ここでしか買えないレアなアイテムを販売していきます。そして徐々にここに人が集まり、将来的には小さなコミュニティーが生まれ、世界中のコレクター同士が繋がる場へと発展し、レコードを手に入れやすいマーケットプレイスが形成されることを目指します。
たくさんのレコードが世界中の皆様に届くように~Vinyl Goes Around~

vga process