Vanholder- the item that's going to convert your 7-inch jackets to 12-inch size! !
Introducing a new way to package an LP with a 7-inch! A new style for vinyl records, put forward by VINYL GOES AROUND
Records are typically divided into three sizes: 12-inch, 10-inch, and 7-inch. The most popular are the 12-inch LP - perfect for home listening, and the 7-inch single- a favorite in the DJ and dance community.
P-VINE has combined those two types of records into a single package.
The LP + 7-inch was a format seen on occasion, but was far from popular.
It was a purely physical issue: LP jackets and 7-inch vinyl discs were simply not compatible, with the 7-inch moving around too much. Regardless of what you tried, the 7-inch would fall out, damage the 12-inch sleeve, damage the 7-inch itself, or worse, a combination of all three. Without a solution to this innate dilemma, the format seemed doomed to collecting dust in attics and bargain crates. The Vanholder is that solution.
The Vanholder is a product that can stabilize the notoriously fickle 7-inch. The two slits in the board are engineered to keep the 7-inch fixed in place, while still allowing easy removal by sliding the 7-inch to the side.
At the same size as an LP jacket, the Vanholder can fit in one sleeve of a gatefold jacket, while the other contains an LP. After opening, the Vanholder could remain inside the jacket, with the 7-inch being slid out for easy listening.
The Vanholder has a multitude of functions, from a bonus item, customized with a design from an artist of your choice, to an adaptor to fit 7-inch singles in your LP shelf.
One of the purported reasons for vinyl’s recent resurgence in popularity is the desire for something ‘physical’ in an increasingly virtual world. Perhaps as an extension of that, picture discs and color vinyl have also increased in popularity. The Vanholder promises to give the once obscure format of the LP+7-inch new life, adding an original, premium format to the vinyl resurgence.

※The vanholder is adaptable to 10-inch vinyl records as well as CDs.
Please contact the email address below for any other questions you may have.
This panel is protected by Japanese Patent No. 7199767, the Patentee of which is P-VINE.
Please contact us at vinylgoesaround@p-vine.jp for any inquiries.
P-VINE starts a new project "VINYL GOES AROUND".
We will keep contributing to increasing the value of vinyl records around the world. First of all, we will start buying/selling used records, we will also develop exclusive products and sell rare items available only from us. Then here will be a place where people will gradually gather, a small community be formed, develops into a place where collectors from all over the world can connect each other, finally, our goal, there will be a marketplace where vinyl records are easy to obtain. Wish vinyl records will be reach people all around the world. ~Vinyl Goes Around~

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